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Monday, January 24, 2011

My personal gripes

Please try to calm down! Keeping a cool heart is essential in all situations in Thailand (unless you are prepared for a very serious kind of confrontation). The Thais are a sentimental people who react strongly to impolite, aggressive or confrontational behaviour (or even the suggestion of such). If you are upset it is most likely because of some kind of misunderstanding. (If someone is obviously trying to overcharge you, simply move on to another vendor without causing a scene; they will hopefully begin to understand the error of their ways through lack of business.) Remember, you cannot expect ordinary Thai people to understand everything you say, or be able to express themselves perfectly in English. And you must accept that you do not have a thorough understanding of every situation in Thailand. In your home country making a scene might get results. Here in Thailand, it gets you avoided. Even small children in Thailand are taught to supress their anger and strong emotions, particularly crying. If things are innexplicably becoming heated your best bet is to stop talking, even if you are just trying to explain or clarify. In Thailand rational discussion is usually percived as a continuation of the argument.
Please do not harp on about how expensive everything is in Thailand. Every single Thai person is well aware of the fact that just about every single thing in Thailand is less expensive than in your home country (apart from a few especially imported items). It is perfectly normal (even where you come from) for bars to serve beer at higher prices than supermarkets, even if they are close to each other. Cigarettes are more expensive on boats and in hotels than at discount stores. If you don’t want to pay the higher price, then please, simply go elsewhere at your inconvenience without comment.
Please do not expect western standards of perfection, unless you are paying western prices. Products and services are inexpensive in Thailand for the simple reason that it is possible to cut corners and pay very low wages in order to keep prices down.
Please do not try to convince Thai people that you are poor; it is embarrassing. Being poor and having little spending money for your holidays do not equate! Running short while away from home reflects poor money management, not poverty. You may not be as rich as you would like to be. Not many of us enjoy that luxury. But to claim poverty after spending on plane tickets (either your own or someone elses money) an amount that for some people matches their annual wage is absurd. A small amount of money does not magically assume a greater value when held in Asian hands. Many Thai people are wealthy. Poor Thai people (and economic migrants from Thailand’s neighbouring countries) own much less than you carry around in your backpack. There are very many people in our world struggling to exist through poverty. Please show some gratitude – thank your god or your family that you are not one of them.

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